Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for developing the scientific programming for the MCA 2017.


Noga Alon

Noga Alon

(Tel Aviv, Israel and IAS, USA)
Luis Caffarelli

Luis Caffarelli

(Austin, USA) – Chair
Guillermo Cortiñas

Guillermo Cortiñas

(Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Welington de Melo

Welington de Melo

(IMPA, Brazil)
Mario Eudave

Mario Eudave

(UNAM, Mexico)
Irene Fonseca

Irene Fonseca

(Carnegie Mellon, USA)
Servet Martinez

Servet Martinez

(CMM, Chile)
Kumar Murty

Kumar Murty

(Toronto, Canada)
Alfio Quarteroni

Alfio Quarteroni

(Lausanne, Switzerland)
Yuri Tschinkel

Yuri Tschinkel