Financial Support
I. Support for US-based Mathematicians to attend the Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2017
US-based mathematical scientists can find information on available travel funding, including application instructions, at
II. Support for Latin America-based Mathematicians to attend the Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2017
The Mathematical Council of the Americas announces the lists of applicants from Latin America selected by the multinational committee to receive support to attend the MCA 2017 (nine lists, one for each of the sponsors of the MCA 2017 travel grants program). In case your name is on any of the lists, please read the corresponding instructions and do as instructed.
Supported by CRM – Centre de Recherches Mathématiques
CRM will contact those listed below to provide instructions on how to receive the support. In case of need, contact Louis Pelletier <>.
Almaraz, Sergio de Moura
Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás
Barcenas Torres, Noe
Barmak, Jonathan Ariel
Cortiñas, Guillermo
Constanza, Mariel
Donoso, Sebastian
Giraldo, Hernan
Maderna, Ezequiel
Minian, Elias Gabriel
Pimentel, Edgard A.
Salgado, Luciana Silva
Sanchez Fernandez de la Vega
Schaffhauser, Florent
Uribe, Bernardo
Supported by PIMS – Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences
If your name is listed below, please contact James Colliander <> for instructions on how to receive the support from PIMS.
Buss, Alcides
Dickenstein, Alicia
Esmeral, Kevin
Farah Dias, Luiz Gustavo
García-Saldaña, Johanna D.
Griffiths, Simon
Lauret, Emilio
Lima, Dahisy V. S.
Meneses-Torres, Claudio
Sá Earp, Henrique N.
Sepe, Daniele
Sirakov, Boyan
Torres-Ayala, Francisco J.
Várilly, Joseph C
Supported by FIELDS – Fields Institute
If your name is listed below, please wait for instructions on how to receive the support from FIELDS.
Bronzi, Anne Caroline
Federson, Marcia
Galindo, Cesar Neyit
Jonard Pérez, Natalia
Lomeli, Luis Alberto
Macarini, Leonardo
Mandini, Alessia
Manjarrez-Gutierrez, Fabiola
Piccione, Paolo
Pilod, Didier J. F.
Shmerkin, Pablo
Tartaglia, Gisela
Valdivieso Díaz, Yadira
Vendramin, Leandro
Supported by AMS - American Mathematical Society
The AMS will contact those listed below to provide instructions on how to receive the support. In case of need, contact Steven Ferrucci <>.
Angel, Jairo Andres
Angiono, Ivan Ezequiel
Aronna, Maria Soledad
Cavalcante, Marcos Petrucio de Almeida
Ferrari, Pablo
Goncalves, Daniel
Gutierrez, Luis Angel
Gutiérrez Mejía, Bárbara Mayela
Hekmati, Pedram
Jimenez Rolland, Rita
Kohen, Daniel
Mantilla-Soler, Guillermo.
Mesquita, Jaqueline Godoy
Moya Giusti, Matias Victor
Nunez-Betancourt, Luis
Oréfice Okamoto, Bruna
Pacetti, Ariel
Pande, Aftab
Pastor Ferreira, Ademir
Pimentel, Juliana Fernandes da Silva
Rocha Vieira, Ewerton
Salgado, Cecília
Vay, Cristian
Yangari, Miguel
Supported by CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Mexico)
If your name is listed below, please contact José Seade <>, with a copy to Karla Marisel Soto Palomo <>, for instructions on how to receive the support from CONACYT.
Contreras, Gonzalo
Del Angel R, Pedro Luis
Guillot, Adolfo
Hubard, Isabel
Rechtman, Ana
Roldan Pensado, Edgardo
de Teresa, Luz
Supported by IMPA – Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
IMPA will contact those listed below to provide instructions on how to receive the support. In case of need, contact Marcelo Viana <>.
Belolipetsky, Mikhail
Bursztyn, Henrique
Carneiro, Emanuel A. S.
Espinar, Jose M.
Futorny, Vyacheslav
Heluani, Reimundo
Jardim, Marcos B
Lopes Filho, Milton C
Mailybaev, Alexei A.
Moreira, Carlos Gustavo
Morris, Robert
Nussenzveig Lopes, Helena J
Pazoto, Ademir Fernando
Pereira, Jorge Vitório
Popov, Serguei
Saia, Marcelo Jose
Scardua, Bruno
Shestakov, Ivan
Soares, Marcio Gomes
Zalesski, Pavel
Supported by SBM – Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática
SBM will contact those listed below to provide instructions on how to receive the support. In case of need, contact Erika Sholl <>.
Exel Filho, Ruy
Hounie, Jorge G
Melo, Severino T.
Petrogradsky, Victor
Planas, Gabriela
Ruas, Maria Aparecida Soares
Shumyatsky, Pavel
Supported by UMA - Unión Matemática Argentina
If your name is listed below, please contact Andrea Solotar <> for instructions on how to receive the support from UMA.
Molter, Ursula Maria
Redondo, Maria Julia
Supported by CMM – Centro de Modelamiento Matemático
If your name is listed below, please contact Alejandro Jofré <> for instructions on how to receive the support from CMM.
De Nittis, Giuseppe
Henao, Duvan
Menares, Ricardo
del Pino, Manuel
Pizarro, Amalia
Sobottka, Marcelo
Tiedra de Aldecoa, Rafael
Viera, Rodolfo