Student Programs

Student Poster Session
  Setup: Sunday July 23, 12:00 - 15:00;  <-- tentative
  Teardown: Friday July 28, 12:00 - 15:00.  <-- tentative

Displayed: Monday 09:00 - Friday 12:00
Location: Cartier / International Foyer, Centre Mont-Royal

Students were encouraged to present a poster with a topic of their choice. Registration for the poster session is now closed.

There are two categories of registration: Presentation Only and Competition.

Presenters in the Competition category are asked to give a short (~3min) presentation to the judges and remain at their posters during judging to answer questions. The winners of the competition will be announced following the judging time period. Prizes are awarded at the banquet on Thursday July 27th to the three best poster presenters, based on content, organization, and presentation. Each winner will receive two complimentary tickets to the banquet as well as $100 and a framed award certificate.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the student poster session, please contact the organizers Simon Huang and Svenja Huntemann at


Student Research Presentations
Thursday and Friday at McGill: Rutherford Physics Building, Room 118
Schedule and Abstracts:

The Canadian Mathematical Society Student Committee (CMS Studc) invite students (undergraduate and graduate) to present a talk on a topic of their choice at the Student Research Presentations Session during the 2017 Mathematical Congress of the Americas in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

These presentations should introduce the student’s research to a general mathematical audience. If requested by the presenter, an experienced mentor will be available to provide feedback on the talk.

Any questions about the student sessions should be directed to the student session organizers, Aram Dermenjian, and Yingjie Qian, at

Speaker registration for this has now closed.


Early Career Panel
Tuesday July 25, 12:45 - 14:00.
Location: Mont Royal II, Centre Mont Royal.

Please join in a discussion with a panel of seasoned mathematicians from a range of academic institutions and industry throughout the Americas. We will discuss a variety of topics relevant to early-career mathematicians, including the search for postdoctoral, faculty, and industrial positions; transition from student to post-student life; and work-life balance as an early-career teacher or researcher. All discussions will be confidential.

Participants are encouraged to email questions or suggestions of specific discussion topics to Yingjie Qian and Aram Dermenjian ahead of the panel discussion with PANEL 2017 in the subject heading. Speakers to be announced.


CV Writing Workshop
Tuesday, July 25, 14:30-15:30.
Location: Mansfield 5, Centre Mont-Royal

Hands-on workshop consisting of a short presentation, followed by a discussion and peer-review of CVs. Participants are encouraged to submit their CVs ahead of time to help the workshop coordinators zero-in on common problem areas and to get better constructive feedback (do not fear, your anonymity shall be preserved).

Space is limited and pre-registration is required for this event, so register early!

Click here to register.


Career Fair
Wednesday July 26, 11:00 - 16:00.
Location: Foyer, Level 4, Centre Mont-Royal

Meet employers from across the Americas at the Career Fair.  The 2017 Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) will bring together mathematicians from throughout North, Central and South America. The attendance is anticipated to be approximately 400 graduate, undergraduate and postdoc students looking for internships and general information to make informed career decisions. Confirmed employers include Facebook and BHC. 


Building a Teaching Dossier
Wednesday, July 26, 14:30-15:30.
Location: Mansfield 5, Centre Mont-Royal.

More than ever, teaching experience and expertise are integral in being hired for a university faculty position. The CMS Student Committee invites undergraduates and graduates alike to attend a one-hour workshop to inform aspiring academics about how to build a dossier that will showcase their past teaching experience; teaching philosophy; personal achievements; and pedagogical highlights. An experienced faculty member, familiar with the hiring process, will be present as a resource to share their thoughts and answer your questions. We encourage attendees of this workshop to bring drafts of their dossiers to work on.

This course will be presented in English.


Student Social 
Wednesday, July 26, 21:15 - late
Location: Gather at 21:15 at entrance to Centre Mont-Royal, or meet up later at Saint-Houblon.

The Canadian Mathematical Society Student Committee invites all student participants at the 2017 MCA to its Student Social.

We will be gathering at the entrance to Centre Mont-Royal at 21:15 Wednesday evening, just after the public lecture, in order to go and see the Portugese entry in the International Fireworks Competition.

After the fireworks (approximately 23:00) we welcome you to join us for light refreshments at Saint-Houblon.

If you have any questions, contact Aram at +1 514 568 5794.