
The primary venues for MCA 2017 are the Centre Mont-Royal, McGill University, and l'Université de Montréal. Maps and information are provided below.

Day 0 Sunday 23rd.
All activities (registration, CMS lectures, informal opening reception) are being held at the Centre Mont Royal, 1000 Sherbrooke, opposite McGill University.

Day 1, Monday 24th.
All activities during the day are to be held at the Université de Montréal. The main room (Salle Ernest Cormier) is in block K of the main building (Pavillon Gaudry), right underneath the tower. There are two other rooms (E-310 and Z-110), also in the main building, for the invited lectures of that day. See the map below. Lunch is provided, as well as an afternoon coffee break; coffee will also be available for those arriving early.

To get to the Université de Montréal, one can:

  1. Take the shuttle bus, which will be laid on from 8 am, starting from downtown: at the Marriott Chateau Champlain hotel, at the Meridien Versailles Hotel, at the Citadelle Residence on Sherbrooke near McGill, at the McGill New Residence on Park Ave, and from the Centre Mont-Royal. The bus should have a visible “MCA”.
  2. Take the metro. There are several stations downtown, with McGill being the one closest to the Centre Mont Royal; one takes the metro to Université de Montréal. ( There is supposed to be an escalator up to the campus, but at time of writing it is still under repair. People have the choice of using a bus taking them up the mountain (the bus passes every 15 minutes) or walk up along a path (5 minutes walk).
  3. If worse comes to worst, take a taxi, which should cost about 15$, and take less than twenty minutes. Downtown one can usually flag down a cab; on the way back you will either have to call one or walk down to Cote de Neiges Road, where cabs can be flagged down.

The evening public lecture is back downtown, at the Centre Mont Royal.

Days 2 to 5, Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th.
Here the plenaries and invited lectures are at the Centre Mont Royal, and most of the special sessions are on the McGill campus, just across the road. The maps below should help you find your building. We are assuming that you are staying downtown; a small shuttle will be provided for those with mobility issues.

Lunch: This is in the downtown office sector, so there are a variety of places to go for lunch. Basically one heads away from McGill along McGill College, as if one had headed straight out of the main gates; there are either restaurants on either side, in particular along Ste Catherine St., or food courts (typically ground or basement floors of office buildings) with a good variety of fast food from around the world.

Coffee: The morning coffee break will be in Centre Mont-Royal; afternoon coffee is in 4 McGill buildings (Trottier, McConnell Engineering, Burnside and Bronfman)

Dinner: The area around the downtown venue is not the city’s greatest concentration of fine dining; elsewhere in the city the choice is quite abundant. There are the usual international guides, with the usual risk of reviews written by the restaurant owner’s brother-in-law; one pretty reliable guide in the more classical style is the Guide Voir (; in French)

Downtown Montreal

Centre Mont-Royal

Level 1:
CMR level 1

Level 2:
CMR level 2

Level 3:
CMR level 3

Level 4:
CMR level 4

Université de Montréal

Below is a floor plan of the Pavilion Roger-Gaudry where the registration and opening will take place on Monday July 24.
Roger-Gaudry Pavillon

The Hall d'honneur is the L-4: one can access directly from the Cour d'honneur via stairs. It is located just in front of the big tower of University of Montréal.

The Room Ernest Cormier (K-500) is in the K-Wing: it can be accessed directly from the Hall d'honneur via stairs. Disabled people should enter through the door L-3 and ask for their way to the counter there.

The room E-310 is in the wing E on the left. It can be accessed from indoors by going one floor down or by the outside using door E-3.

The room Z-110 is in Pavilion Claire-McNicoll. If the weather is good, the simplest is to access from outside.

The metro station is Université de Montréal. The pavilions up the mountain. Normally there is an indoor escalator going up, but it is on repair now for several months. People have the choice of using a bus taking them up the mountain (the bus passes every 15 minutes) or walk up along a path (5 minutes walk).